Eileen Daly Productions
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Eileen Daly the British-born actress, come The Grande Madame of horror movies and comedy TV shows in which Eileen stars. Eileen has played in both British and international feature films, receiving awards globally for her acting. Critics have praised her light-on-her-feet acting and on-screen presents. One critic says: “She lights up the screen with her infectious smile and rich tones”.
Once seen never forgotten, Eileen has been acting on stage and screen for over 44 years and has played more vampires than any other actor. She is also known as the face of Redemption Films; one of Eileen's first film companies she started with Nigel Wingrove in the 90’s.
Eileen also fronts her band The Courtesans; a Gypsy-Glam Pop band.
Eileen and Ben Thirkettle (who is the producer of this duo inimitable) are in the studio recording their first album, having released free downloads for their fans to get a taste of what's to come. Eileen was also a contributing writer of her own column In ‘The Dark Side’ magazine, also donning the covers of various issues over the decades.
Eileen Daly is a girl of many talents, owner of her production company www.eileendalyproductions.com where she writes, directs and produces, feature films
and ghost-hunting shows which are spoofed black comedy aimed at audiences
that enjoy a bit of horror.
Plus she is also working on lifestyle magazine shows indie filmmaking with Eileen, and light-hearted fun entertainment aimed at YouTube audiences. Eileen has a keen eye when it comes to vintage and designer clothes, setting up her own shop in Swanage Dorset, where one can purchase beautiful clothes for a fraction of the price. Most have been worn on the sets of various films or TV shows, worn once and then sold of which £1.00 of all items
goes to charity, as Eileen is a strong supporter of all Animal and Children charities.