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Eileen Lover of Animals & Everything Green

My Story

My ideal world would be more forests more lakes, Fewer cars more farming of wheat, soya, and vegetables, and a lot more vegetarians/Vegan to do with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy gut, protein, carbs and fat.

Even going back to travelling by Horse and cart for short distances, I've been looking a lot at the Amish's lifestyle, There is a lot we said by the way they live, I will take away religion as it serves no purpose, but have communities come together for a gathering of natures produce.

I would have no killing of animals or insects people would have to respect and live off
the land and supermarkets and shopping malls this can be all combined.

As People are becoming sick with arthritis, cancers, heart attacks, Strokes, High blood pressure and cholesterol due to the fact that we as humans eat cancerous foods i.e. Animals produce a pump full of hormones, grains and vegetables sprayed with harmful chemicals, this is my dream change but it's never going to happen.

The most important things that I really care about are the animals on this planet,
the bees and the butterflies and the ants and the snails and the fishes in the Ocean.
These will cease to exist, if we carry on down this road that we are all walking, won't be in my lifetime but it will come soon in the next 500 years if we don't curb our ways.

Power, greed vanity and ownership of land on this earth that no one has a right to own. As it isn't theirs to sell or fight for, this is what I believe in a healthy mind, body and gut.


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